石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁661&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁331&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁169-170&* 呂紀(活動於西元一四七七-一四九七年間),浙江鄞縣人。字廷振,號樂愚,一作樂漁。花鳥初學邊文進,後摹唐宋諸名家筆,始臻其妙。弘治(西元一四八八-一五○五年)間被徵值仁智殿,為錦衣衛指揮使。 本幅為一工整之作品,惟用筆稍覺欠力。畫柳樹迎風,桃花秀麗。當此春暖花開時節,雙鳧優遊水中,怡然自得。 &*Mandarin Ducks at Peach Blossom Time Lü Chi (fl. ca. 1477-1497) Ming Dynasty Lü Chi, style name T’ing-chen,sobriquet Yao-yü, was a native of Yin County, Chekiang. In the genre of flower and bird painting, Lü initially studied the works of the early Ming dynasty painter, Pien Wen-chin. He later emulated the works of the T’ang (618-907) and the Sung (960-1279) masters. He eventually became one of the greatest painters of birds and flowers of the Ming dynasty. During the Hung-chih era (1488-1505), he was summoned to serve in the Hall of Benevolent Wisdom (Jen-chih Tien) in the imperial court. Lü served as a commander in the Imperial Bodyguard, a military unit that also provided sinecures for court painters. This painting is a neatly executed work, although the brushwork lacks strength. There is a peach tree in full bloom and a willow swaying in the wind. A pair of mandarin ducks swim amidst this scene of blossoming flowers and spring warmth, creating an air of tranquil harmony.